Escuelita de Verano holds a special place in my heart. Since I was little, La Escuelita was a place of fun, games, learning and sharing, now, 17 years later, I am honored to be able to give back to this amazing organization. Since 2015 I have been volunteering at the summer camp as a leader, photographer, videographer, and graphic designer. I have developed and evolved the brand in such a way that it represents the organization as much as it does its kids and all the joy it brings.
It’s all fun and games
La Escuelita de Verano was founded in 2001, by a group of locals who wanted to provide a safe, fun space during summer for kids to play, share, and learn. I was one of the 20 kids who attended that first year.
18 years later, over 300 kids enrolled in the Escuelita program! I kept going back to help and lend a hand however I could. Eventually, I was able to put my expertise to work and bring photography and graphic design to the mix. I’ve designed and evolved the branding since I got into art school and I love how far it has come.
The kids have come to love the brand we’ve created, they even paint banners and t-shirts with it! La Escuelita is the perfect definition of Love Brand, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Distilling emotion into a brand
How could I take the whole Escuelita story and what it represents, and transform that into a brand mark? It didn’t look like this from the very beginning (scroll on to see the evolution), it took time and learning, refining and reimagining, and so much of creativity.
The restult? A brand inspired by this community.
More than the sum of its parts
This brand represents the intersection between nature, health, harmony, sharing, caring, friendship, safety, and unity. When all this came together La Escuelita became a home for so many–local and foreign children, volunteers from near and far, locals, expats, and so many people came together to bring La Escuelita to life.
I would personally like to thank from the bottom of my heart everyone involved in making Escuelita Verano possible, not only my son, by the entire town's children look forward to this every year!! The organizers, teachers and volunteers that take the time out of their lives, and truly phenomenal people, and I wish this would be available more then once a year!!! I love you escuelita, the stories my son tells me at the end of the day at dinner about his day with you, you don't understand, we don't have that much here, so hearing about all the wonderful activities and fun he's having makes me so happy!!! THANK YOU!!!!
– Jerusha