Since 2005, Maquinaria Linda has operated in Nosara. They have a growing team of heavy machinery and operators, offering a wide array of earth movement services. Maquinaria Linda is owned by Linda Bristol, hence the name of the business.
The Mechanical Butterfly
Linda has always felt identified with butterflies, and started placing butterfly stickers on her equipment since the beginning. I had the opportunity to not only create the logotype design, but also a proposal for a butterfly sticker that was uniquely Maquinaria Linda. We designed the butterfly together by cutting and pasting machinery silhouettes into a butterfly shape. I then vectorized the design, cleaned it up, and created Linda's Machinery Butterfly. A truly unique design that integrates both aspects of the business name and brand; machinery and Linda (pretty in spanish).
Badass yet delicate
I used bold colors in the brand to better represent the nature of the business (also so the operators would agree to wear a uniform with a large butterfly on the back!). You wouldn’t imagine the amount of people who say “Whoa! The butterfly is made of trucks!”.
The Maquinaria Linda branding was born out of an unlikely union–yet one that worked perfectly. The branding also perfectly reflects the work ethic and values of the company.
Powerful and beautiful. Strong and delicate. The feminine and the masculine. Transformation and metamorphosis.