A state of the art workshop devoted to the practice of woodcraft and construction.
Taller Toc Toc (formerly The Woodshop) approached me to create a brand that matched the beauty of their craft. Together we designed a modern, fun, beloved brand. The central element is the woodpecker, a local crafty bird that loves wood as much as Taller Toc Toc!
The Woodpecker
El Picamaderos Piquiclaro
Taller Toc Toc’s brand identity is a mid point between modern and hand-made, with a hint of fun. The look and feel is bold, unique and durable. It should withstand the test of time, just as their woodwork does.
To the grain
I visited the Taller Toc Toc workshop and took photos and videos of all the textures and the beauty of the craft. Having original photography allows the brand to feel authentic and personal.
At Taller Toc Toc we would love for the photography to tell a story. The tone should we warm and inviting, always looking to elevate our craft. Capture the esence of our work, while creating poetry with the images. We love close-up details, action shots, clean and tidy takes of the workshop and our space.
— Taller Toc Toc Brand Book
It was a pleasure to work with the Taller Toc Toc and Harmony Projects teams. Collaboration was a dream! I had so much creative freedom and space to play. The woodpecker is one of my favorite logos to date.
Ultimately we’re much more than the products we make. We recognize the importance of responsible sourcing and use of materials. We care about the people we hire and train them with skills they can use for a lifetime. We love our community and want to contribute to its long termstrength and sustainability.
– Taller Toc Toc Brand Book